Canada Day

Happy Canada Day

A Prayer for Canada

Loving Father,
as we prepare to celebrate another anniversary of Confederation,
we thank you for the gift of our great country Canada.

We give thanks for our land, magnificent from sea to sea:
blessed with frothy, meandering rivers,
quiet, unassuming inlets and bays,
verdant towering forests,
dew gleamed crystal lakes,
boundless golden plains
and majestic snow-capped mountains.

A home that welcomes refugees and immigrants alike;
together with our founding citizens: Indigenous, French and British,
we share our natural beauty and rich heritage
with all who step onto our shores:
may we continue to live in unity and peace.

We pray for all people of God in Canada
that we will be true and faithful servants and stewards of our land;
that we may be ever mindful of our carbon footprint
and strive to preserve and protect our bounty and natural resources.

For the freedom of religion and conscience,
for a system of government that provides us the right to speak freely;
laws that are based on equality,
respect for cultural differences,
and a commitment to social justice, we give thanks.

Bless our leaders.
Grant wisdom to those who govern
so that justice and peace will thrive.
Help us as Christians, inspired by the spirit and responding to God’s call
to use our voices to guide our leaders
as they make difficult and momentous decisions.

For all these gifts,
most especially the gift of Your love showered upon us, we give thanks,
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.


Louise Minniti – The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.